Das ‚Göttliche‘ im Homburger Folioheft. Über den Beginn eines partizipativen Forschungsprojektes zu Hölderlin
Ein aktuelles FWF-Projekt zu Friedrich Hölderlins „Homburger Folioheft“ geht der Frage nach dem Bezug zum Göttlichen im Werk des Dichters nach. In ihrem gemeinsamen Beitrag geben die Mitglieder des Projektteams, Jakob Deibl, Andreas Telser und Marco Fiorletta , einen Einblick in das Thema.

“Politics of Dis-enclosure: Religion – Community – Violence”. A Conference for the Decolonial Fugitivity of the Passer-by
What is the relation between religion, violence and community? How is it possible to think of being in common from a decolonial perspective? Some of these questions have been dealt during the conference „Politics of Dis-Enclosure. Religion – Community – Violence“ that took place from 26–27 April 2023. In this article Marco Fiorletta and Marian Weingartshofer give a small insight about it.